
Friday, September 6, 2013


Welcome back to me!!! 
My welcome back blog entry on comfort food... PANCAKES!!

Where to find the best pancake within a 25km radius from book- off suplados' crib.

I do not have a sweet tooth but I always get this craving for pancakes once in awhile. Don't expect a very detailed price list on this blog because I know you can get it from other sources. If you want to know the overall feeling on every restaurant I went to in search for the perfect pancake, this is the blog to read.

3 Spoons

The location is not really hard to find but for a direction guru nightmare like me, I must say I don't think I can find it if riding a cab will not be an option. It is located on San Joaquin St in Plainview, Mandaluyong.
Kanto Freestyle

It will give you a real "kanto boy" experience. The tables are literally on the streets so expect flies, mosquitoes and smokes from the car passing behind you or from the cigarettes smokers from the other table. Self service: You have to order by the counter and expect at least 10 to 15 mins for your food. Finding a table is easy, you just need to grab a folding table and plastic chairs then set it up by the pavement and you're all set. In short, if you want to bring out the annoying side of your "conyo" friends bring them at Kanto Freestyle. 

PANCAKES: Kanto Freestyle claims that they serve gourmet breakfast. I thought they are
Peanut Butter Pancakes
experimental and they liberate a regular comfort food. I must say that it's below the standard gourmet that you think of. I ordered Peanut Butter Pancakes. It has a generous peanut butter serving on 2 pieces of pancakes for 90 pesos. They used the usual grocery pancake mix in a yellow box. I accidentally saw it when the person by the counter asked a waiter to hand the boxes of pancake-mix to someone. That's why you will find the taste of the pancake very familiar, it's like the pancakes you cook at home just with a peanut butter on top and some chocolate syrup dressing. They also offer Fluffy Pancake Topped with Oreo Cookie Butter, Mixed Berry Berry Pancakes, and Fluffy Pancakes Topped with Goya and Chocnut Ganache.
Kesong Puti and Tuyo

I also tried Tuyo flakes and kesong puti with pesto. It was good but the dried fish they used was way too salty than the usual. Kesong puti and tuyo is a perfect match. Genius!

3 Spoons
I've been to iHOP thrice in the past 3 months. 1st visit, I thought it was overrated but I was amazed at the waiter who can remember at least 12 orders without writing it. My 2nd visit was on a weekday, I thought the service was really good or it was just because they offered coffee right away. My 3rd visit was on a weekend, iHOP was crowdy, hot and the service was terrible. It's not a good place to dine on a weekend. 

PANCAKES: You can say that it's better than the usual grocery hotcake mix but I can't give more than 3 spoons because I find it a bit mouthful on every bite. It's probably too thick that's why it felt heavy on every bite. You have 4 options for the syrup: old fashioned, blueberry, butter pecan and strawberry syrups which was too sweet for me. I enjoyed the chicken fajita omelette than the pancakes. 

Pancake House
2 Spoons

I gave Pancake House 2 Spoons. I really feel that it shouldn't be called the Pancake House because their pancakes should really be called sugar flapjacks (sorry pancake house fanatics, peace). You'll feel the burst of sugar on every bite even without the syrup. I believe that a good pancake shouldn't be too sweet and the sweetness should just come from the syrup. I'm not a fan of their pancakes.

Fast food Pancakes: 
I run to McDonald's for an immediate pancake cravings satisfaction. They serve a very neutral-tasting pancake. 
Jollibee pancakes?? naah!! not a chance. It's way too sweet for me. 

I probably have not found the best pancake that will suit my taste buds yet. The pancake that will deserve my 5 spoons rating but my search is still on. Until my next pancake blogs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life of Pi

I dare you to watch the film and be moved. 2013 has just started and the film Life of Pi just gave my year an exclamation mark. I remember vividly when the scene from the film Ice Age 2 moved me. Funny right? but yeah it made me cry. More than Titanic, more than Nicholas Park's books, and more than Pursuit of Happiness.. that's right! Ice Age 2 made me cry. In reality, you will not know what will hit your emotions. You may not be convinced by the example I gave but Life of Pi is not a film that will make you move because of sympathy or even because of someone else's lost but because of your faith. It made me feel so special and so blessed. Stream of reflections flowed from my heart after watching it and I just can't get over it. With the way I know people perceives me, I don't think anyone would even get a hint that I was moved with such a film.

I remembered the book "The little Prince" by Antoine Exupery where every line seems to make you reflect about your life. In the movie Life of Pi, every scene seems to make you feel blessed. Some would give meaning to every character, to every situation, every word that Pi is saying, I may not see it that way but one thing is for sure, it just says God loves us.

God gave us troubles so we can find him. Religion is like a door that opens our mind. It tells us about God and our faith confirms that God exist but only our troubles, challenges and problems in life make us find God.

You cannot lose anything if you are selfless. Pi is right! Life is about letting go. Letting go of your bad feelings like letting go of your anger and embracing humility when in a heated discussion with others. When others are saying bad things about you, let go! because they may need to say it to make them feel better, when others pull you down let go! because they are below you. When all the negativity in the world seems to be around you let go! because in the midst of it, you will find God. When you feel hopelessness, let go! and be happy because God is with you.

I guess we don't need to go to the wilderness to find God... just look at our troubles, pray and reflect, list down your blessings and we'll find God.

This blog may seem to be out of the ordinary blog I write but just give it a thought, you might be surprised because you might be the next one writing a reflection about your blessings. :)